In English
The Swedish Left Party is represented by Malin Björk in the European Parliament. Malin Björk has been a member of the parliament and the GUE/NGL group since 2014. Her main issues are climate and migration.

Malin works for a radical and ambitious climate policy and an EU refugee policy based on international human rights law . She also fights for gender equality, a fair EU trade policy and workers’ rights.
She is a full member of the parliament’s committee on on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and a substitute member of the committee on legal, justice and home affairs, LIBE.
With fellow progressive members of the parliament, she has formed the pro-choice network All of Us. She is also a member of the parliament’s anti-racism and diversity intergroup ARDI and the Intergroup on LGBTI Rights.
Malin Björk is currently the parliament’s rapporteur on the EU Resettlement Framework. The final proposal was adopted by the parliament in the LIBE committee in October 2017. The file is currently blocked the EU member states in the Council.
She was also co-rapporteur on the joint FEMM-INTA report Gender Equality in EU Trade Agreements.
Contact information:
[email protected]
+32 (0) 2 283 73 74
Lotta Narvehed
Press officer
+32 (0) 498 44 31 40
[email protected]
You can also follow Malin Björk and the Swedish Left Party in the European Parliament on social media:
Read more about Malin Björk on the European Parliament’s website.